#30代 #男性 #歯ぐき下がり #歯肉退縮 #知覚過敏 #CTG #結合組織移植 #歯茎 #大阪 #中之島 #肥後橋 #フェスティバルタワー #フェスティバルホール #osaka #筒井純也
A man in his 30s came to our clinic concerned about gum recession. We performed a connective tissue graft (CTG) procedure, and with a single treatment on each side (upper, lower, left, and right), his gums were naturally restored. With the addition of orthodontic treatment, his smile became very beautiful.
Connective Tissue Grafting (CTG) is a technique that involves transplanting only the connective tissue portion of the gum, which is firmly attached to the bone. One of the advantages of this method is that the color of the transplanted gum can match the original area. Gum recession can lead to various risks, including aesthetic concerns and an increased susceptibility to cavities, which makes treatment necessary. However, because this procedure requires advanced diagnostic skills and expertise, there are very few dentists who can perform it.
Our clinic has extensive experience in treating gum recession, and patients come from all over the country to undergo this treatment.
#30s #Male #GumRecession #GumAtrophy #ToothSensitivity #CTG #ConnectiveTissueGraft #Gums #Osaka #Nakanoshima #Higobashi #FestivalTower #FestivalHall #Osaka #JunyaTsutsui