#30代 #女性 #歯ぐき下がり #歯肉退縮 #知覚過敏 #CTG #歯茎 #結合組織 #移植 #歯医者 #大阪 #中之島 #フェスティバルタワー #フェスティバルホール #osaka #筒井純也
A woman in her 30s visited our clinic concerned about gum recession. We performed a connective tissue graft (CTG) procedure, and after just one session, her gums were restored to a natural appearance.
Our clinic has extensive experience in treating gum recession, and patients from all over the country come to receive this treatment.
Gum recession occurs when a weak area that would normally be protected becomes exposed due to the gums receding. If left untreated, gum recession can lead not only to cosmetic concerns but also to an increased risk of cavities and damage to the tooth roots, which are more vulnerable than the enamel.
#30s #female #gumrecession #gingivalrecession #sensitivity #CTG #gums #connectivetissue #graft #dentist #Osaka #Nakanoshima #FestivalTower #FestivalHall #osaka #JunyaTsutsui